MidiVideoPlayer 1.1 (Windows Standalone and VST3) DEMO


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We are now testing the next version of MidiVideoPlayer on stage for six shows.
It has a lot of new features and all registered users will have a free update.
More info are comming soon. 

This is the DEMO-version of MidiVideoPlayer.
It will show you how it works but you will have a lot of splash-screens.
To use it in real shows just purchase a license in the full version. 

When downloading MVP you will have a zip-file with some demo-files attatched for testing.

MidiVideoPlayer (MVP) is a Videoplayer for Windows that you can controll using midi, directly on local computer or from a VST over LAN (cable or wifi).

Local setup without VST-plugin.

It is developed for playing multiple videofiles and showing images on video-projector during shows controlled from your DAW. With MVP you do not need to have your video-track inside your daw, not even on the same computer. And if you like me does a lot of start/stop and want to have a nice backdrop-image or looping backdrop-video between the sets this might be something for you.

Remote setup using VST-Plugin over Wifi.

You also free up some cpu on your music-computer when the videos are played on a second computer or if you use wour workstation builtin sequencer just connedt midi out to computer and select interface and channel 16 (or other) to trigger videos directly from your synthesizer.

MidiVideoPlayer, the Windows program, the player, is built in 32-bit and 64-bit.
VidiVideoPlayer-VST, the VST3-plugin, is built in 32-bit and 64-bit and is windows only.

The player can be used without the vst and controlled by a midi-interface of your choice.
It can also be used triggered from your DAW using the VST-plugin and LAN or localhost.

The plugin does not play any videos, it is just a sender to the player.

You controll the player using your midi-keys. All keys can be assigned to a video except C3 to B3 (Midi-Key 60 to 71) . Those keys are your controller keys.

You can load videos, play/pause/stop, +10 sec/-10 sec, Loop on/off, show/hide backdrop-image, show/hide looped backdrop-video, show/hide videoplayer and also controll video volume using Controll-change #7 (Volume). You can also switch between 128 folders/presets using Controller #6.

All controlls can be used from Local midi-interface or over lan using vst-plugin.


  • Blackout-image as Jpg. Full screen. Triggered by key.
  • Blackout-video in mp4-format looped. Triggered by key.
  • Videos in mp4-format and images as jpg. Full screen including audio. Load a videoor image using a key and it will load and pause at first frame untill you press play key.
  • Every midi-key (0-127) can be assigned to a video except the controller-keys C3-B3 (60 to 71) that’s assigned to hide/show, pause, play, stop, skip, loop etc.
  • Logs your show and saves it as a log-file when you quit the program. Every session has its own logfile (txt-file).
  • Lists all connected midi-interfaces (physical and virutal), just to chose the one you want to us as controller.
  • Controll video volume using Controller #7.
  • Switch folder/preset using Controller #6 (0-127).

MidiVideoPlayer VST have been tested under Cubase, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Cantabile Lite, Reaper, and GigPerformer.
MidiVideoPlayer have been tested under Windows 10 professional.

More info here: https://blafotproduktion.se/mvp/

Images and youtube-video is from v:1.0.



Demo on Youtube: