With MVP 2 you can use 5 ip-cameras. There are 3 windows with full screen of single cameras and one window showing a dual-camera view. The cameras are showing insode an Microsoft EDGE-Browser embedded in the window so you need to use cameras that can stream raw video to a […]
FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ
Scripts lets you controll a series of command using just a single midi-message. Lets say youre a piano-player live and want to controll your videos in realtime. You use your right foot to controll sustain (cc#64) and have a second foot pedal set to soft (cc#67) as normal for a […]
Notice! The VST-Gui needs to be opened to sedan the triggers to the client. If you need to hide it just drag it outside the screen. 🙂 The GUI shows the server-ip that you need to connect the server on the first row. It also shows the command you are […]
MVP-2.0 ? – 2022: Bugfixes. Optimized code. Additional BACKDROP-screen using Black color or custom image. Multiple Clients controlled by the same VST. Script-mode (not in VST-mode). 3 Single-Camera windows for IP-cameras. 1 dual-Camera windows for IP-camera. Finger-friendly remote-controll on VST-GUI for fast access to funktions. New keymapping. MVP-1.1 Mars 01 […]
If you have questions, need help or have some ideas please contact us at: support(at)blafotproduktion.se
MVP 2.0 has a diffrent keymapping then the previous versions. All keys on your keyboard are numbered. Here you can see the keynumber. The keys marked with red are the controller-keys. All other keys are assigned to the video named with that number. 60 – Toggle Blackout-image fullscreen on/off. 61 […]
To use MVP on a local computer using VST-plugin or using MVP over LAN just follow this guide: Of course you have added your videos and Black-image to the computer that will show your videos… On server-computer start your DAW and load MVP-VST plugin as an Instrumen and open the […]
Renaming PRESETS: Copy the file “Folders.txt” to C:\Blafotproduktion\MVP\ and open it in Notepad. Edit the rows to the name you want. You have to rename the folders also for VMP to find it. You will se the new names in the preset-list after restart. Multiple clients to the same VST: […]
Here are some important information about MidiVideoPlayer. MidiVideoPlayer can be used in tree diffrent ways: Used on one computer using only the player-program (the client) and a local midi-interface. Used on one computer using the player-program (the client) and the VST-Plugin (the server) from a DAW on the same computer […]
The videos and images you will add to the show should be copied to the folder: c:\blafotproduktion\MVP\DATA\[Number 0-127] or [Folder-name specifyed in “FOLDER.TXT” file] The videofiles must be mp4-videos and named according to the key it will be mapped to (c4 is key 72 and the video should be named […]